Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Comments from Justin Waldman and KT Nachod

2008 06 09
Hi Jack
With great sorrow and some wonderful memories I read the eMail this morning concerning your dear mother's death.
I am very sad - for you especially - as the loss of one's mother is an especially difficult moment - it was for me. Mothers are perceived to be indestructible and their mortality is something of a shock, to say the least. I wrote to her a couple of months ago and never heard from her. I expect that her silence was all part of moving on.
I recalled this morning for my staff, and Denis at breakfast, those spectacular moments in New Orleans when she and I ended up in a porn shop, and after poking at the glass counter tops, she asked loudly of no one in particular, "What da'ya think that's for. It's SO BIG. It's SO PINK?" We opted for a badge, each, that said "Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you are an asshole". She had the courage to wear it around her home. I never did. I remember her glamourously tucking into a giant cream cake in New Orleans.
What a truly wonderful mother you had Jack. I remember her with great fondness. All the very best to you and Darryl. You're both in my thoughts, with lots of love.


Dear Jack and Darryl:

I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. I wish I could give y'all a big hug. I have so many happy and funny memories of Gerry, and I only saw her a few times, so I can only imagine the wonderful memories you both have. I hope they comfort you. I know this is just part of life, but losing someone as wonderful as Gerry sucks. There is definitely a good measure less of sparkle and pizazz in the world.

Just before I opened your e-mail, I was reading Mollie Ivins' "Bill of Wrongs." Now there is another feisty woman. Perhaps she and Gerry are knocking back a few and discussing the state of the world. We can only hope.

Much love,


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